Laura Hamilton

Laura Hamilton grew up in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan drawing, painting and creating for hours on end. She continued to have a desire for creativeness well into high school. In her early twenties, she graduated from the University of Regina with a Bachelor of Arts Education and went on to pursue a career in teaching. She taught elementary school for almost ten years.

She embraced her painting and now lives with a creative purpose. Creative process for Laura is an experience that is spiritual ~ being in the present moment, finding the stillness within, listening to her inner voice and creating beauty. She feels most authentic when she is creating.

Her figurative paintings are her own interpretations of beautiful women. These women have continued to transform as she has evolved as an artist. In the beginning these women were brave and courageous, and she believes they helped her to heal. 

Her signature female characters can now be described as playful and intriguing women with vintage dresses, stripped stockings, fun floral patterns and everything in between.